Sunday, April 28, 2013

Voting Rights

"Turning back the clock"

#ImJustSaying Is this 2013 or 1965? What in the hell is going on in north carolina? Why are these states trying to change constitutional rights? I'll tell you why, all the millions of dollars they put into the elections is not working so they resort in trying to discourage the blacks, the browns, and poor white americans, Of course we can be silent.. THIS IS AMERICA. Or maybe not......... #ImJustSaying

I feel the reincarnation of George Wallace, strong therman of course we cant forget the famous Jim Crow of the whole racist era. I dont know about you guys but i dont give a DAMN ,i am not getting shackeled , im not going back to the back of the bus and i wont be segrigated. If you dont like it that is YOUR issue, not mine #ImJustSaying

As a nation we need to get started, get going and FIGHT fot our constitutional rights because these radical people need to get over that 2008 we elected a Bi-racial president who doesnt look like the normal president, but you know what? GET OVET IT. #ImJustSaying

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