Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Gun Control !!

What THE HELL !?  #ImJustSaying How is it that 20 beautiful babies lost there life on December 14th 6 teachers, Not including the masacre theatre Etc... One and one is two right? how do you let one group NRA control congress? How in the hell do these people sleep at night ?? That goes to show that money talks and bulls shit walks ! Let go of the puppet strings , this is real life! Stupid is as stupid does, DO YOUR JOBS THAT YOU ARE PAID TO DO. If you havent been through it then you really couldnt understand 2014 is right around the corner & WE VOTERS have good memories. Its really sad the ordinary people's voices are never heard unless tragidy occurs. So thank you sandy hook for being the voices who are in the SAME SITUATION and there not known.

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