Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Letter To Attrny. General Eric Holder and President Obama

Our black youth.

#ImJustSaying Mr. Holder you said when you became attrny. general  you were going to look into why so many of our young black men are in the prsion system... WHAT HAPPEND? As a mother of black men two who failed part of statics unfortunatly, im VERY concerned. We as african american parents dont expect any special favors, but everybody thats incarsirated some are really innocent.

Theres and article in the ebony that really caught my attention on the statistics of our black YOUTHS. Not black men, black YOUTHS but of course our black men have been taken hostage also. #ImJustSaying

We have limited abilites and resources that limits us so we pretty much have to educate ourselfs about the pros and cons of the judicial system.Both you and President Obama hold the highest office and young men look up to BOTH OF YOU. all im saying is i know you have other obligations on your agenda but this should be one of the top 10 and i feel that something needs to be done and investigated.

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