Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Moment In History

#ImJustSaying It was really good to see our current president and our past presidents giving homage to  bush number 43. If anybody deserves and academy award , these presidents do LOL #ImJustSaying 
Only a mother loves unconditionally, the boston suns.

#ImJustSaying as a mother that has nothing but young men, I LOVE THEM TO DEATH but when they are wrong....THEY ARE WRONG . How in thhe hell can this mother say that her sons would not have done this if they hadnt came to america but guess what ? the 8 year old little boy that was killed the other to victims didnt have a choice on that dreadful day. She needs to really think before she talks out the side of her neck and should be honored that her family was able to be apart of america.... BUT OF COURSE this is the thanks we get #ImJustSaying

Lets not forget the amputees especially the childrin that lost limbs. Heather may GOD be with you.. You are really amazing #ImJustSaying

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