Sunday, May 5, 2013


"Poverty ,Drugs, & Welfare " What do these 3 have in common?

#ImJustSaying Poverty,Drugs & Welfare.... what do these 3 have in common??? Most white people feel like black and brown people fall into these catorgories. Thats not neccessarily true because you have more whites,asians,and other ethnicities that fall into this catorgory. I feel that president obama needs to address the poverty issues as well as why blacks and browns get more prison time then white people. People might think im racist but NO . im just speaking facts. #ImJustSaying

It seems as if your homeless now , you consdered a criminal . if your on welfare you considered taking a handout and being lazy,if you on drugs you have mental issues. Thats not true though it is a social issue. #ImJustSaying

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