Thursday, May 30, 2013

Gun COntrol

This is the reason why we need to enforce laws pertaining to gun control because of the letter that was written to mayor bloomsburg and the threat against his life.

Nobody is trying to take nobodys gun so THAT LIE needs to stop . This is why we have common sense but not neccesarily sense is common!


Obsession Over Attorney General Holder & President Obama

Most of republicans are so overly obsessed with these too individuals could it be cause they are african american or maybe the hold the two high offices in the u.s? it must be nice to get paid for a job that is never done. This is there job trying to criticize and belittle these two young men that doesnt neccessarily look like them.. SO PATHETIC. #ImJustSaying

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Im A Grown Woman

#ImJustSaying Ive been here on this earth over 5 decades and somebody help me understand, i had    constitutional rights. the reference to this is..... i was shut down for BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS ... I AM NOT A CHILD AND I HAVE RIGHTS. THE LAST I CHECKED THE 1ST CONSTITUTION SAYS I HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. There are worst things said on blogs, twitter, facebook, & post on instagram etc. 

So do i have different rights because of the color of my skin? i would hate to think that im being discriminated agaisgt because of who i am #IMJUSTSAYING I  think i still do live in america but sometimes i just dont know because there are always 2 sets of rules but like i always say. you might not like me but you damn sure gunna respect me.This Is MY COUNTRY. My ancestors help mostly build it. #ImJustSaying

Michelle Bauckman


Michelle Bauckman prayers have been answered im gonna leave it at that Im just saying.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mr. Obama Standup


Mr. Obama i understand you job is very difficult but sometimes going to have to get down and dirty. It wont make your swagger no more or no less. Its like being in war and leading your men to a safety zone. You cant just lead when things are good but you also have to lead when things are bad. This is your legacy. Like most presidents in their 2nd term, they go thru Bs. i know you can do it because when your running, your always at your A Game!

You have to continue this when your campaign is over. You dont need enablers around you all the  time because GUESS WHAT? ITS NOTHING WRONG WITH HAVING PEOPLE THAT ARE SMARTER THAN YOU #ImJustSaying

Eric Holder

"The Man"

I was so proud of him today, how he just slapped darrel isa with words ...GOOD JOB.... WELL DONE...Maybe he can give some of this confidence to president obama. #ImJustSaying

John Bader

"Cry Me A River"


How is it you have that he has the ordacity to tell president obama that he needs to fired the members of his cabinet?? I SAY They need to fire him because he is the weakest leak ..........GOODBYE.

HE CANT EVEN CONTROL THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTIVES. Wow .... Mrs. NANCY Pullozi was more dominate as a woman and got more results !

Maybe he is tanning to much and his brain cells are going dead. #ImJustSaying

Which Hunt (Republicans)


With the economy, gun control, and immigration Etc etc. the republicans want to focus this BS that makes no difference on whats really going on in peoples lives. Of course this is what they do best #ImJustSaying

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ran Paul


If it wasnt for government you wouldnt have a check every month ... which you dont deserved cause you dont do jack and for the comment about president obama being drunk ... THAT WAS VERY DISTASTEFUL OF YOU, but of course.... thats just you.

What you need to do is worry about the economy and putting people back to work but OHHH THATS SOMETHING YOU DONT KNOW ABOUT BECAUSE YOUR SO BUSY CRITIZING INSTEAD OF COMING WITH SOLUTIONS , but of ocurse you dont have to worry about nothing like the average american does. Shape up or ship out #ImJustSaying.

Dick Chaney


Lets go back to 2001 (9/11)

2002 we were in war.. how does he fix his mouth to say anything about conspiricy when under him the puppet master we ended up with two wars based on LIES . Imagine that #ImJustSaying


"Our unsung children"

With all the jibberish going on why in the hell is nobody talking about these children in michigan whoose getting shortchanged 6 weeks of school because of governor schnider. I'll tell you why.... because they are in poverished kids who nobody seems to care. Where is the outrage from president obama and the civil right leaders?

Once again it is always preference to the uppity neighborhoods.

They have emergency money for situations like this but it seems these poor babies are being pushed aside. POLITICS ONCE AGAIN. sometimes i have to really look around my surroundings and see if im still in america because of situations like this.

Michele Bachmann


#ImJustSaying ONE word describes this intinty... BOTOX! How does she always fix her mouth to say something that has no meaning? Matter of fact... how is she in congress and she doesnt know her constitutional laws? #ImJustSaying

Bill Oreilly And Fox News

" Pin Head".

Imjustsaying Everybody is says obama needs to clean his administration, fox news need to clean their backyard before they talk about obamas backyard. ImJustSaying

It was totally disrespectfully what Mr.Oreilly and some of the fox news commentators reguarding obamas precious young girls. Mr.Oreilly needs to be fired, but we know in the real world he won't because fox news is the right wing platform and most of the republicans.

Nobody kids should be used in politics. Shame on you Mr.Oreilly your book "Pin Heads" fits your personality. #I'mJustSaying

Obama Invince Or Invisible

"Leaving Others Behind".

#ImJustSaying It seems though president obama and his second term has forgot about his democratic brothers. Probably by one of his worsrt critics, I'm noticing his arrogant attitude he need to get out his bubble and realize that he hold the highest office and it requires leadership. Especially when you have people who still hasnt gasp the concept of having an african american in the oval office. #I'mJustSaying

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day

"Rest In Peace To My Momma".

Im not gone start with my usual #ImJustSaying quote But i would like to send a shoutout all the people in the world that are still privilege to still have there mother. One word i can say to you all...... APPRECIATE. Not just on this special day but ever single day. #ImJustSaying

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Michigan A CIty Of Turnoil

#ImJustSaying why is the media not covering about the school that closed early because lack of school funds. These kids have no school teachers was willing to work free and was denied. Im Appauld! They always cover this BS about the house of Rep. This is what the world is really  coming too? It must be a black community #ImJustSaying

Charles Ramsey

" Angels Come We In All Forms"

#ImJustSayingThis is why in our african american culture we are always critcized out our own kind. What people are failing to realize is if wasnt for Mr. Ramsey these girls would still be held in captivity but because he is not light skinned and he doesnt have green eyes and good hair he is criticized. What the CLUCK?!
I Applaud you Ramsey because you put aside your past history to rescue these 3 young women.
you are a gentleman and a scholar may God continue to bless you. My motto is you might not like me but you damn well gunna respect me. #ImJustSaying



Where in the hell is the leadership in the house of representatives. it seems as if they would use any excuse to try to politicize and be demostrative towards President Obama and Ms. Hilary Is it because there afraid ? You damn skippy peanut butter. All these people ( mark arubio , lidsey grahm , rhan paul etc. ) Need to shut the eff up. I really fear because a black president is in office they use any petty subject to continue to bash them. Hilary on other hand is so smart and the best  secertary of state in my time. This is why they come up with all this BS instead of doing what they are paid to do (Which is nothing)

I guess this is there best talking points cause they are not smart enough to become president #ImJustSaying

Clevland.. A Town Of DIsgrace

" Broken Hearts"

How is it that a deranged sorry excuse of a man held 3 young girls hostage for over 10 years and nobody supected ANYTHING. NOW THIS IS A TRUE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER #ImJustSaying

My heart and my prayers go to all the victims and families expecially Ms. Amanda who went through child labor without any DRUGS. YOU ARE TRUELY ONE OF GODS ANGELS.

MAY GOD BLESS EVERYBODY ENVOLEd Especially Mr. Charles Ramsey because without him these girls would still be held in their misery. This goes to show you miracles can happen if you keep the faith. #ImJustSaying

Republicans Scared Of Hilary

"You Cowards"


Republicans are scared of a very powerful woman named HILARY. Imagine that. That goes to show you, anybody can be a pair of pants not just a man #ImJustSaying


gone but not forgotten

"im just saying" I woke up this morning looking for my bestfriend realizing that its seven years she ben gone rest in peace my mother my journey will one day will also end love you your baby girl

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Carolyn Moos


 I feel where your coming from and feeling that you have been decieved but it is also up to us women to have enough sense to know after 8 years of being with a man ,sense would tell you if he is going to marry you or not.  You cant blame the man after 8 years and then play the victim.

Why buy the cow when your getting the milk free? #ImJustSaying

Your not the first and wont be the last to get scorned buy a man.
 If that was the case just about every man would be bankrupt. Would yoube going after a John doe compared to a jason collins? I DONT THINK SO #iMJUSTSAYING

The Economy Ain't Sh*t


The Economy has been pushed way to the back of the bus.Whats up with that? THere are millions of people ouOf course gun contrt here robbing peter to get to paul to make ends meet. Of course gun laws immigration etc . are neccesary but it doesnt pay anyones bills last i checked #ImJustSaying

Whether its president obama or members of congress (which by the way this is who runs the united states) JOBS JOBS JOBS #ImJustSaying

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Governor Christie

" Good Decision"

#I'mJustSaying Governor Christie good job on making the right decision and getting rid of your extra pounds of weight. Your wife and kids should also be proud knowing you will be here for many more years to come. #I'mJustSaying

South Carolina

" No Morals"
I'mJustSaying How do South Carolinas elect a man  "Mark Sandford". Who was once their governor cheated on his wife, lie to south carolina, used state money for him and his mistress. But I guess it doesn't really mattter as long as a democrate doesn't hold this seat. #I'mJustSaying

Rush Limbough

"Big Discrace"
I'mJustSsying Happy day are finally here again. Hopefully this poisonous sorry of an excuse will finally be off the air. Finally his producers took their heads out the sand and realize that he is not the one to be spitting out all this venom and need somebody that's positive, not racist, who respects women, and will tell what's really political  correct. So hopefully he will join Sarah Palin, Glenn Neck, and the rest of the right wing NUTS. #I'mJustSaying


Congrats To Three Girls Who Were Found Safe In Cleveland, OH

#I'mJustSaying Miracles do happen. When you keep your faith in god he willsee you through. #I'mJustSaying


"Racial Muts"
#I'mJustSaying This new president of the NRA James Porter need to shut the f up. As always a bunch of white racial S.O.B's that can't handle the fact we have an african american president. Who hold the highest office in this land. Get over it because none of you looney tunes will never be at 1600 Pennsylvania. Why? Because you will never be intelligent enough. So when you open up the opportunity of guns remember when they made one they made millions. #I'mJustSaying

Sunday, May 5, 2013



 Republicans are always saying there trying broadan their base... but HOW IN THE HELL CAN I TELL CAUSE THEY DONT SHOW IT SO SWELL !!

They have their few tokens that you will see every now in then but its kinda strange its only during ELECTION TIME. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I mean in order to get respect you gotta give it.

Their only goal is to make president obama look weak, frail ,and timid and thats sad.
This is what the republican party has become. People like michelle bockman, sarah palin, Rush limbough, Kelly iiot and a few others. These are always the loony tunes that always try to speak about history and dont know jack but once again only i your white is when you can get a pass #ImJustSaying

NO More Wars

"Havent We Learned Enough"?

#ImJustSaying 9/11 Ima Leave it just like that....

Why does the U.S.A Always have to be the captian save .. well you know.. We can always find money to go to war but congress cant find the money for head start. wheels on mills. cancer & medical research etc etc.

There trying to put us in another war & i find that ludacris!



"Poverty ,Drugs, & Welfare " What do these 3 have in common?

#ImJustSaying Poverty,Drugs & Welfare.... what do these 3 have in common??? Most white people feel like black and brown people fall into these catorgories. Thats not neccessarily true because you have more whites,asians,and other ethnicities that fall into this catorgory. I feel that president obama needs to address the poverty issues as well as why blacks and browns get more prison time then white people. People might think im racist but NO . im just speaking facts. #ImJustSaying

It seems as if your homeless now , you consdered a criminal . if your on welfare you considered taking a handout and being lazy,if you on drugs you have mental issues. Thats not true though it is a social issue. #ImJustSaying

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Important History Miss

#I'mJustSaying Why wasn't more new media covering the young Dorcena Forry from hattie? Who won the Senate Sit in Boston. Which only white men ussually hold. This is the racisal tone I always say " If your not blone blue eye female you have nothing coming". #I'mJustSaying Congratulations my sister..

Thank you Mr.Lawrence who host the last word.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


"What's up"

#Imjustsaying WHAT'S UP WITH FLORDIA once again a black youth is being exposed to bs. Really flordians? First, it was Trayvon Martin now its this young black african american sixteen year old who had a bright future which is now in jepordy. Like i always say these F******* Laws are set up for our black and brown children to set them up for failure. the punishment (expolsion BS) for a child that has never been in trouble, a good student who was just trying to DO AN EXPERIMENT, THIS IS WHAT HAPPEN.

Im Calling on Mr. President to speak on this matter, i really hope you come out. This is what im talking about laws need to be changed because trying kids asa adults is a bunch of BS.

We as parents need to stand up and get started and protect our black youth before they come insticted and all end up behind bars. #ImJustSaying We as african american parents better pay attention because slavery is on its way. #ImJustSaying


Why cant we prepare our youth for job training programs while in high school because college isnt for everybody. Kids coming out of college owing thousands of dollars and by time they get in there fourties their just working to get out of debet. #I'mJustSaying...

Ms. Erica

"A Daughters Heartbreak"
#ImJustSaying My heart goes out to erica (the young lady that lost her mother. (sandy bricks school)
I COMMEND HER HIGHLY  For getting up in Kelly Ayotte face about not voting for the backround checks for gun laws. We need more of people like her to get in congress people face because wordscan never replace when one loses their mother.  I know personally but fortuantly i was able to say my final goodbyes to mines. #ImJustSaying
A grinning woman sitting in a chair while wearing a red suit

Hunger In America

"Is America Turning Into 3 World?"
 #ImJustSaying How do certain members in congress sleep at night when there are so many children , elderly and poor families not able to eat because of all the cuts that are beig made. The president has a part in this also.
Sometimes i look around in my surroundings and say am i in america or a country that is in poverty. I shouldnt have to see my veterans brothers homeless. They deserve better. Of all these BS laws that have passed like the FACC law that was just passed , these more runs have choices. Hungry, children, disabled and Elderly should not be hungry. this is no longer america the beautiful, it is america the ugly. #ImJustSaying


#ImJustSaying the 112 113 congress is pathetic. How in the hell do you let the tea party, Nra and all the big money people takeover. I thought we the voters elect members of congress to work for us . Everything these certain individuals was for (such as backround checks , immigration, and certain budget deals they support it. but because they are trying to make president obama legacy be deflated. they will do anything to try to demoralize him. All of a sudden government is the enemy but dont government pay there salaries? #ImJustSaying

2014 is rapidly coming. i tell them to get the stepping!

Morning Joe Scarborough


1994 I see was a good year for Mr. Joe biut fortunatly this is 2013. I listen to him always say how republicans word with democrates and the president at the time (Clinton) and we all know (im just gunna say it ) Everybody involed was white. I dont know why in the hell republicans praise regean, He started this union busting , immigration, affirmitive action, etc. This is what republicans do, pray on the less fortunate ones. Not all but majority have morals and another thing i find interesting whether its mr joe criticizing obama or other rebuplicans... why in the hell dont you run for president and stop talking about what you would do and DO IT! Simple as that. How many terms were you elected? i think 1 .... lets leave it at that. #ImJustSaying