Wednesday, February 27, 2013

                                                 " Voters Suppression I'm Just Saying What The Hell"

"ImJustSaying". How in the hell can judge Anthony Scilian say " That it's a racial entitlement to vote".  You damn skippy it's a right that no matter what color or creed you are this is your constitutional right. But I guess if you cant beat the system cheat the system. #ImJustSaying. People are scared to say it, but we have a bunch of races. Whether it's in congress, the courts, or right wing nuts. Who cant accept a man that doesn't look like them hold the highest office of the land. People who are discriminated against need to pay attention to the cold words and the dog whistles. This is why they are trying to pass all these stupid laws that have no merit in today society. #ImJustSaying. This is 2013 not 1965 the shackles are off!



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