Wednesday, February 27, 2013

                                                 " Voters Suppression I'm Just Saying What The Hell"

"ImJustSaying". How in the hell can judge Anthony Scilian say " That it's a racial entitlement to vote".  You damn skippy it's a right that no matter what color or creed you are this is your constitutional right. But I guess if you cant beat the system cheat the system. #ImJustSaying. People are scared to say it, but we have a bunch of races. Whether it's in congress, the courts, or right wing nuts. Who cant accept a man that doesn't look like them hold the highest office of the land. People who are discriminated against need to pay attention to the cold words and the dog whistles. This is why they are trying to pass all these stupid laws that have no merit in today society. #ImJustSaying. This is 2013 not 1965 the shackles are off!



                                    Voting Restriction

#ImJustSaying I could have sworn we are in 2013 but it seems as if we are taking a time lapse back to 1965. Why 1965 one might say? this is when the voting rights were passed. #ImJustSaying it seems to me that not ALL But MOST Of these southern politicians are trying to eliminate this law. Whats up with that? Where are our leaders besides John Lewis who actually lived through this time and almost lost his LIFE !? Reverend Al Sharpton does his part, Jessie Jackson ,Etc etc

Their's so many to be mentioned but the ones who have the voices and the platform need to stand up and get started in helping those who really dont have the platform or access to people where their voices can be heard. #ImJustSaying

It really showed when we elected our AFRICAN AMERICAN President how we as a nation really haven't grown as much as a union . #ImJustSaying i have never experienced a president in my time being so disrespectful and humiliated.

112 and 113 Congress the main goal is to not give this president his due rights not only as a president but as a man.

#ImJustSaying You dont have to like a person but at least respect them.  


                                                Congrats On Ms, Rosa Parks

#ImJustSaying Its a good day in america this is one of the anointed angels i was referencing to who paved the way for us in my black history blog earlier yesterday. She now has a monument in Washington at the U.s Captiol. Congrats again.

BUT #ImJustSaying why do you have to be deceased for something great to happen like a monument. i feel as if John Lewis an so many more should be recognized. #ImJustSaying give them their flowers while they are living.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

                          The Economy

Whether you the president or congress they need to feel how ordinary people live every day robbing peter to get to Paul. #ImJustSaying Congress is never in session but still get almost 200,000 A year! Why are veterans that have fought hard to keep us safe, homeless or cant find employment?? Politicians can fix their mouth to say anything but actions speak louder than words. #ImJustSaying !

Is this the American dream or American nightmare? #ImJustSaying Their is no reason why are babies are hungry or living in poverty. #ImJustSaying

                 Trayvon Martin Family Condolences


Today is a year since Trayvon Martin passed away. Today we will have ice tea and skittles in remembrance of him. May his family find some closure and peace through the the prayers of God and their faith. As a mother 7 young men i can't imagine what it feels like to lose a son. May God continue to give you the strength and courage.

             What happened to black history month???


"I'mJustSaying"  Why has their been no talk or anybody symbolizing black history month ? Our president is black and we as a country are suppose to acknowledge those who paved the way for our african americans who hold higher standards , not to forget our ancestors and the things that they done AND THE PAIN THAT THEY ENDURED ! I feel that they really forgot that if it wasn't for the Rosa Parks , Angela Davis, Martin Luther King Jr's & Malcom X's of the world they wouldn't be able to do ALOT of things in today's society. Out of 28 days i have heard about black history month 7 or 8 times. If it wasn't for BET , MSNBC , and the other typical black channels Feb. would be just another regular month. "ImJustSaying" It seems to me that president Obama maybe scared to embrace black heritage. "ImJustSaying."